Pre-Construction Services
We provide industry leading Pre-Construction Services with a client-based focus on the project. Our firm is focused on meeting your goals by controlling the budget, schedule, constructability and overall direction. With a focus on honest and thorough investigation, we lead the client and design team through industry hurdles. Our reputation for open communication helps all members of the team work together for a successful project.
Design Constructability ReviewsEstimating and Cost Control
Value Engineering
Early Procurement - Long Lead Items
Risk Analysis and Mitigation
Schedule and Phasing Plans
Mobilization and Site Preparation
As Construction Managers, our firm has proven to deliver the project safely, on budget, and on time. Our approach begins in the bidding process where we thoroughly estimate the cost of the project based on the design intent. We choose to partner with subcontractors and suppliers committed the schedule and client expectations for success.
Our firm actively manages the project by controlling the schedule, coordinating trade partners, and committed to exceeding the client’s standards.
Project ManagementSchedule Control – CPM
Daily Onsite Supervision
Timely Updates to the Client
Safety Talks - Job Hazard Analysis
Document Control
Construction Administration
Post Construction
As we near project completion, our team turns our attention to the Client’s long-term needs. With this approach, we want to extend our value-added services by providing the end-user with important information about their product.
WarrantiesOperation and Maintenance Manuals
Final Inspections
Certificate of Occupancy
Punchlist Signoff
“As-Builts” Plans
Lien Waivers
Final Cost Reconciliation